Sunday, April 26, 2009

mimpi ngeri

td kat skool de suntikn utk kancing gigi...
wooo~~~ takot giler la... sape kate xsakit??~~ sakit giler.. dhle jarom tu pnjang sgt, nak pngsan aku tngok... pstu cikgu singham xbg bwak kwan masok bilik tuh.. lg tmbah takot aku..
huhu.. paling lawak tyme nurse yg nak suntik aku tu suroh aku dudok pastu aku lari g kat pintu sbb nk klua.. wawawa... seraam~~pastu tyme dye nak suntik tu aku pegang tangan dye.. lame je aku dlm bilik tuh.. ngengengokngek..
yg pelik tu.. smue org kate xsakit.. dak laki lg la.. semangat giler.. hebat lah diorg.. wengweweng.. aku kene ejek ngn kwn2 sbb takot jarom.. tp mmg hakikat yg aku takot jarom n lg2 darah.. leh pengsan aku tgk..huhu.. tyme subjek las nak balik..tetibe ganesha picit tngan aku..woow!!..sakit gilew..
tyme balik ade class tmbahan utk kh.. tp aku mls nak dtg.. so lari balik la ngn fana..hehe..
mak aku xde umah.. kne balik jln kaki.. syawal suro bwk basikal dye.. mereng je dak tuh.. huhu
then fana amek kunci basikal syawal.. smpai skarg xbg2 balik.. wohoho.. maybe dye tgh ngn atul kt skolah.. kcian dye.. xle bwk balik basikal.. hmm.. pape je lah.. esok fana bg balik lah tu..

Friday, April 24, 2009

..ThE pErFeCt KiNgDoM..

WeLcOmE To tHe sEyWeL kInGdOm..

The term 'The Worst Best Class' isnt alien to us students of 3pk1..nope, we get it all the time, actually! but I figure, there's nothing wrong with being memorable ( even if it is in a bad way! ) Anyway, there r many groups in our crazy class..
n we are always do crazy stuff such as
calling friend's name by using names of fathers and mothers as jokes..
haha.. we all get arumugams, dobby, kimball, soil, hussein, wong lo kat, logam n many more in our crazy class...

busy checking handfones!

what's sooo funny??!

peace to the world..

ruben, you r too small.. go away so that i can sit..

we are a ROCK couple..

i'm a great teacher.. so listen to me..

when you look me in the eyes...

stupid meeting

say cheese...

we are great friends.. always helping each other..

hey syawal??!! go away.. u r soo smelly..!! hehe

there are some picture of ThE seYwEl KiNgDoM..
"In my class you get to see the true hardship and friendship, something that no other classes can have. When someone is in dire trouble we unite to help them in anyway.We never stay down and keep it to ourselves. That is the good part about our class. It is great. When you don't know something, we can be free to ask someone for assistance. That person is sure to help the other in our class.Yup, there is nowhere better than having friendship like ours in or class."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

malaysian today


it breaks your heart to see the one u love happy wif some1 else..
but it's more painful to kno that the one u luv is unhappy wif u..

seriously? i think that juz a load of cr*p actually. ok fine, being in a relationship where both parties are miserable is not a good thing but preferring him 2 be happy with some1 else? i think not!

you see, it's always portrayed that being the bigger person means being able to say that you're happy if he's happy, or that u want nothing but happiness for him, or u wish him all the best.. but how many of u really believe you're saying? unless you decided to stay friends, which is a rarity, odds are that u don't really want the best 4 him..!

we've all heard the saying, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and even if u manage to keep all ur resentment in, u have 2 admit that seeing him miserable 4 the rest of his life would'nt b such a bad thing. well, until u find happiness at least!

when u break up with some1 n go your seperate ways, it is still interesting to keep track of some1 n what they're up 2. and much as we don't like 2 admit it, there is a little competition going on it. who is doing better? who has moved on faster? who has started dating first? who is enjoing life more? it all adds up and whoever says that they're not keeping score is lying!

but let's go back to the phrase above. i've asked around n a lot of girls have admited that they would'nt really rather see his ex happy with some1 else. it dosen't mean that they still have feelings for the guy; sometimes it all just boils down to pride and ego. questions like 'why he is happy with her and not with me?' or 'WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T?' or even just the very honest 'WHY SHOULD HE BE HAPPY?' arise whenever an ex finds someone new.

we all know that the mature thing to do would be 2 wish the other person well and just move on with ur life. unfortunately, that's not such an easy thing 2 do. MUCH AS WE HATE 2 ADMIT IT, HOPING THE OTHER PRSON IS UNHAPPY IS MUCH CLOSER 2 THE TRUTH. after all, what is more ego-boosting than knowing that the person is just miserable without u? of course, there are exceptions 2 the case; for example, if u broke it off bcoz you've met some1 new or your relationship has just run its course and u mutually decide 2 part ways.

the thing is, we're not trying to b mean. part of us actually means it when we say the nice things and maybe a part of us does want him 2 eventually find happiness... juz not be4 we do! in the meantime, we say that we're expected 2 say (and try to mean it) and we carry on. and hopefully, we give the impression of being mature!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

11 april 09

program star

huh.. pg td g program star..
punye r boring.. xtau ape yg dye nye main point...
pstu dak2 kat citu buknnye nk sgt blaja... g sbb tpakse or nk main2..??
xhormat lnsung.. ade r sorng mamat nie yg dok dpn aku.. dye siap bace komik ag kat citu..
pncramh tgk pn wat xtau.. hmm.. pastu balik lmbt sbb mak aku lupe..
atul fana n munirah join skali.. nseb bek ade kwn.. hehe..


huahua.. balik program star kol 2 lbeh smpai umah..
penat giler.. pas mndi ingt nk wat kje skola yg btimbon2 tuh.. bu
kak buku je tros tetido..
ngehehe.. abiz r mlm nie baru nk wat nota sejarah.. err..

bangon2 kol 3.45 da tlmbt nk g tusyen... pastu ingt kne g jln kaki sbb mak aku g mlawat adek aku kt asrama.. fuuueeh~~ nseb bek ade fana.. g tusyen tompng mak dye..
xde r pnat sgt.. n maths pn da msok bab baru kt tusyen.. agak snang r chapter nie.. algebraic 3..
mmg xmereng kali nie sbb xde INDICES.. hoho...

crite fana kt tusyen..

adoyai.. part nie yg xle blah...
mak aku tnye fana mcm2 r ttg ....... aku kt skool tuh..
. nseb bek fana n atul tau simpn rhsie...
ade mak aku ckp aku da brubah.. diam2 je?? stress?? ie ke?? aku xtau r..

same je kowt.. or maybe betol... apsal ngn aku nieh?? aku ok la.. no problem!! nothing...
n nseb bek fana xbgtau ttg ........ kt mak aku... n aku rase mak aku pn da tau la ttg tu kalo aku n kekwan xbgtau pon.. aku OK... aku OK...!! NOTHING... xde pape..
pastu mak aku tanye2 aku... 'yg pnting studi ok. tu je m
ama nk tau.. btol tanak bgtau mama??'
.. mak aku ckp cmtuh.. err..

kat MPH jj

huuh!! pas balik tusyen tros g MPH sbb nk bli hadiah bufday aku..
then aku tjumpe buku 'ps i love you' tuh... mmg aku nk giler buku tuh.. skarg aku
da ade ampir smue collection novel cecelia ahern tuh..
1- ps i love you
2-where rainbows end
3- if you could see me now
4-a place called here

yg lg 2 aku xde.. tgh nak carik.. huhu..
nseb bek dad bg beli buku tuh.. huahaha.. penat memujuk.. tu abg aku ny
e psl r.. dye g bg gf dye kt asrama dulu tu pinjam .. tgk da ilng.. tp xpe r da dpt yg baru..
ade sestgh part dlm buku tu bile bace mmg sedih gile r.. nak nangis bace ayat dye..
nak tau?? jup2 aku carik page brape...

page 140

"ps. i love you holly, and i know you love me. you don't need my belongings
to remember me by, you don't need to keep them as proof that i existed
or still exist in your mind. you don't need to wear my sweater to feel me around
you; i'm already here... always wrapping my arms around you"

wae!! ~~ sweet giler la ayat tuh... but ade ag...

page 468

"don't be afraid to fall in love again. open your heart
and follow where it leads you....
and remember, shoot for the moon...
ps. i will always love you..."

cair aku bace.. T_T...
oopss!! aku kne sign off sbb nk wat kje sejarah.. uhuhu.. out luh.. ZZzZZZzzzz...
thats all 4 today..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

7 april 2009

7 APRIL 2009...

wawawa... dtg2 skool je smue wish aku HAPPY BIRTHDAY fiza...
hehe... terharu.. satu kelas nyanyi lagu utk aku..
n thnx kat smue.. lg2 org yg 1st wish aku.. iaitu emellia then izatul..
mazrina n fari... oops ade ag .. carmen n smue kwn2 kls aku tmasok kls laen yg join..
hehe... ha..~~ cikgu misnah.. thnx2 sesgt sbb wish sye... ily cikgu.. n cikgu2 laen gak yg wish..
haha.. td dpt hadiah yg paling bharge dari ruben.. walopn xbrape bharge..
hadiahnye.. dye kene diam n tutup mulut dye bile ckgu tgh mngajar.. tiap2 ari memekak..
pening dgr.. hehe,... bgoz2...
farah!! thnx gak eh.. xsngke aku dah tue.. 50 thn ko kate..
xpe2... hehe... aku mude ag r..
ina!! thnx gak.. gud luck PMR gak.. 8A k?? hehe... ahha.. ade sorng ag... syawal..
sori sbb palau mase ko wish aku.. hehe.. sbb dlm lab tu bising so.. xdgr la... but thnx2...
hhahaaa.. mama ku n dad... ily soo much sbb wish n bg hadiah yg bgoz2.. hehe
ahh!! ng chuan san??!!.. ko wish aku happy dead day?? ko nak aku mati?? xpe2.. hehe..
tgk ko nnt..

BTW smue... thnx sesgt sbb wish k...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

stupid question


have you got ur heart broke
- yeah

did u feel like u hate them, but still loved them afterwards
- err... yup

u still think about them everyday

wish u were still with them
-not really..

wander if they still love u

feel like its ur fault for not being together
-wat?? me?? ofcoz not!

do u get depressed when u think about them

do u cry when u think about them

do u usually think of good or bad memories
-of coz la good..

wats ur most missed memory about them
- y do u wanna kno?

how long were u together with the person
- not important to remember..

did it feel like ur heart got ripped out when u broke up

did ur troat get tight and u could breath
-i still can breath.. i'm still alive wat?

did u cry urself to sleep
-not everytime..

how many nights
-a lot..

how many nights of sleep did u miss thinking of them, if any
-every night.. maybe..

are u trying to move on
-of coz yeah...

think u wont ever find love again
- depends..

have u already moved on

was he/she ur first love
- yea..

if u had the same freinds, did any freindships end cuz of the break up

how many times have u had ur heart break
- err.. so many times...


ok be honest, did u ever cut urself becuz u were depressed
-hell no..! i luv myself..

ever tried to commit suicide cuz of the break up
- stupid??!! i still wanna live..

are u still depressed, if u were depressed when u broke up
-its my problem.. who r u wanna kno?

does he/she have another gf/bf yet
- dont kno.. n maybe yes!!

do u think u'll get back together with them
- i dont think so...

can u forgive the one who broke ur heart
- i should think 100 times before do that..

exaclty, what was the reason they broke ur heart
- forget oledy..

ever think of wat it would be like if u guys would still be together
-maybe i'm not gonna cry everyday.. alwayz laughing n happy.. but i'm happy now wat?? heeah..

ever missed school cuz u didnt want to see there face
-always see his face at school!!

do u still talk to them often, or at least some times

are u still freinds

do u still love them?
-cannot tell..

ever wrote depressing poetry for the person
-a lot..!!

do you want him/her to say "i love you"?
- maybe not cuz i dont want to break my lovely heart again.. hehe..