Thursday, January 22, 2009

slipped away ?? ^_^

I cried today...
not because I missed you or even wanted you
but because I finally realized
I'm going to be alright without you

A break up is like a broken mirror.
It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it.

I can't escape the thought of you.
Even in my dreams you are there.
It's not fair how your gone,
and how you're moving on so fast,
while I am still living in the past.

Breaking up is not a stupid thing;
instead it makes you a better person
and realize your mistakes.

I don't know what to do now that we're apart;
I don't know how to live without the other half of my heart.

My biggerst fear is that one day we will pass each other
on the streets and have an artifical conversation.

Now that I have loved so purely and deeply,
I have realized how lonely I really am.

Some people think that it's holding on that makes one strong;
sometimes it's letting go.

You have to forgive to forget,
and forget, to feel again.

If your love does not work with that person,
it just means that someone else loves you more.

If you can't save the relationship,
at least save your pride.


Anonymous said...

Kau ni tak abis-abis emo memanjang. :/

feeza said...

hafiza gitu looh.. haha

Little Star said...

LittleStar rasa kamu ni ada masalah cinta lah, haha. :) Apapun, bagus karangan ayat tu. Keep it up! ;)

Dan trima kasih pasal add LittleStar. :) Jika ada apa-apa masalah, jangan malu-malu tanya yer? :D Kitorang akan cuba tolong.