Thursday, April 16, 2009

malaysian today


it breaks your heart to see the one u love happy wif some1 else..
but it's more painful to kno that the one u luv is unhappy wif u..

seriously? i think that juz a load of cr*p actually. ok fine, being in a relationship where both parties are miserable is not a good thing but preferring him 2 be happy with some1 else? i think not!

you see, it's always portrayed that being the bigger person means being able to say that you're happy if he's happy, or that u want nothing but happiness for him, or u wish him all the best.. but how many of u really believe you're saying? unless you decided to stay friends, which is a rarity, odds are that u don't really want the best 4 him..!

we've all heard the saying, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and even if u manage to keep all ur resentment in, u have 2 admit that seeing him miserable 4 the rest of his life would'nt b such a bad thing. well, until u find happiness at least!

when u break up with some1 n go your seperate ways, it is still interesting to keep track of some1 n what they're up 2. and much as we don't like 2 admit it, there is a little competition going on it. who is doing better? who has moved on faster? who has started dating first? who is enjoing life more? it all adds up and whoever says that they're not keeping score is lying!

but let's go back to the phrase above. i've asked around n a lot of girls have admited that they would'nt really rather see his ex happy with some1 else. it dosen't mean that they still have feelings for the guy; sometimes it all just boils down to pride and ego. questions like 'why he is happy with her and not with me?' or 'WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T?' or even just the very honest 'WHY SHOULD HE BE HAPPY?' arise whenever an ex finds someone new.

we all know that the mature thing to do would be 2 wish the other person well and just move on with ur life. unfortunately, that's not such an easy thing 2 do. MUCH AS WE HATE 2 ADMIT IT, HOPING THE OTHER PRSON IS UNHAPPY IS MUCH CLOSER 2 THE TRUTH. after all, what is more ego-boosting than knowing that the person is just miserable without u? of course, there are exceptions 2 the case; for example, if u broke it off bcoz you've met some1 new or your relationship has just run its course and u mutually decide 2 part ways.

the thing is, we're not trying to b mean. part of us actually means it when we say the nice things and maybe a part of us does want him 2 eventually find happiness... juz not be4 we do! in the meantime, we say that we're expected 2 say (and try to mean it) and we carry on. and hopefully, we give the impression of being mature!